Selection of scientific studies and references

Klöcking R & Sprössig M (1972) Antival properties of humic acids. Experienta 28, 607-608
Klöcking R & Sprössig M (1975). Wirkung von Ammoniumhumat auf einige Virus-Zell-Systeme. Z. Allgem. Mikrobiologie 15:25–30.
Klöcking R, Sprössig M, Wutzler P, Thiel K-D & Helbig B (1983). Antiviral wirksame Huminsäuren und huminsäureähnliche Polymere. Zeitschrift für Physiotherapie 35:95–101.
Schiller et al., 1979. Topical ammoniumhumate treatment of human HSV infections.
Preliminary clinical results, Dermatologische Monatsschrift 165, 505-513
Thiel et al. 1977, In vitro studies oft he antiviral activity of ammonium humate against herpes simplex, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie and Hygiene 239, 304-321
Van Rendsburg et al. 2002, Investigation of the anti-HIV properties of oxihumate, Chemotherapy 48, 138-143

Joonê & Van Rendsburg 2004, An in vitro investigation of the anti-inflammatory properties of potassium humate. Inflammation 28, 169-174
Sabi et al. 2012, Carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid (CHD-FA) inhibits carrageenan induced inflammation and enhance wound healing: Efficacy and toxicity study in rats, Drug Devleopment Research 73, 18-23
Van Rendsburg et al. 2001, Topical application of oxifulvic acid suppresses the cutaneous immune response in mice, Drug Development Research 53, 29-32

Sherry et al. 2012, Carbohydrate derived fulvic acid: In vitro investigation of a novel membrane active antiseptic againt against Candida albicans biofilms, Frontiers in Microbiology 29, 284-290
Ansorg & Rochus 1978, Studies on the antimicrobial effect of natural and synthetic humic acids. Drug Research 28, 2195-2195

Yang et al. 2004, Humic acid induces apoptosis in human premyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells, Life science 75, 1817-1831
Pant et al. 2012, A Humic matter panacea for cancer. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 4, 17-25

Vucskits et al. 2010, Effect of fulvid and humic acid on performance, immune response and thyroid function in rats, Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 94, 721-728
Joonè et al. 2003, Investigation of the immunostimulatory properties of oxihumate. Journal of Biosciences 58, 263-267
Joonè et al. 2004, An in vitro investigation of the anti-inflammatory properties of potassium humate. Inflammation 28, 169-174

Ferrara et al. 2006, Humic acids reduce the genotoxicity of mitomycin C in the human lymphoblastoid cell line TK6. Mutation Research 603, 27-32

Vaskovà et al. 2011, Effects of humic acids in vitro, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology 47, 376-382
Rodrìguez et al.2011, Antioxidant activity of fulvic acid: A living matter-derived bioactive compound. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 9, 123-127

Wound healing
Sabi et al. 2012, Carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid (CHD-FA) inhibits carrageenan induced inflammation and enhance wound healing: Efficacy and toxicity study in rats, Drug Devleopment Research 73, 18-23

Studies on humic substances

Van Rensburg CEJ. The Antiinflammatory Properties of Humic Substances: A Mini Review. Phytother Res. 2015;29(6):791-795. doi:10.1002/ptr.5319
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Dai C, Xiao X, Yuan Y, Sharma G, Tang S. A Comprehensive Toxicological Assessment of Fulvic Acid. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020;2020:1-11. doi:10.1155/2020/8899244
Goel P, Dhingra M. Humic substances: Prospects for use in agriculture and medicine. IntechOpen. 2021:1 - 21. doi:10.5772/intechopen.99651
Kapala J, Karpinska M, Mnich S. Effective Doses of Ionizing Radiation during Therapeutic Peat Mud Treatment from a Deposit in the Knyszyn Forest (Northeastern Poland). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(18):6819. doi:10.3390/ijerph17186819
Hu X, Mu L, Kang J, Lu K, Zhou R, Zhou Q. Humic Acid Acts as a Natural Antidote of Graphene by Regulating Nanomaterial Translocation and Metabolic Fluxes in Vivo. Environ Sci Technol. 2014/06/17 2014;48(12):6919-6927. doi:10.1021/es5012548
Zhang Y, Meng T, Shi L, et al. The effects of humic acid on the toxicity of graphene oxide to Scenedesmus obliquus and Daphnia magna. Sci Total Environ. 08/01 2018;649doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.280
Tombácz E, Tóth IY, Kovács K, et al. Striking analogies and dissimilarities between graphene oxides and humic acids: pH-dependent charging and colloidal stability. J Mol Liq. 2020;306:112948. doi:10.1016/j.molliq.2020.112948
Chen Y, Ren C, Ouyang S, Hu X, Zhou Q. Mitigation in Multiple Effects of Graphene Oxide Toxicity in Zebrafish Embryogenesis Driven by Humic Acid. Environ Sci Technol. 2015/08/18 2015;49(16):10147-10154. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b02220
Tang W, Zeng G, Gong J, et al. Impact of humic/fulvic acid on the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using nanomaterials: A review. Sci Total Environ. 2014;468-469:1014–1027. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.044
Winkler J, Ghosh S. Therapeutic Potential of Fulvic Acid in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2018/09/10 2018;2018:5391014. doi:10.1155/2018/5391014
Murbach TS, Glávits R, Endres JR, et al. A toxicological evaluation of a fulvic and humic acids preparation. Toxicology Reports. 2020;7:1242-1254. doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.08.030